Sophie NanneDansaren, koreografen och skådespelaren Sophie Nanne är utbildad på Balettakademiens yrkesskola för musikalartister. Hon har medverkat i musikaler som Cabaret, Blood Brothers och West Side Story.
Sophie behärskar en rad olika dansstilar såsom Street Jazz, Samtida dans, Balett, Musikal och K-pop Dance. Hon har varit dans-, teater- och sånglärare i snart 20 år och hon har en nyfunnen passion för K-pop Dance. Med Sophie får ni dansa till de senaste K-pop hitsen, testa K-pop-klassiker, utveckla er dansteknik, hitta äkta dansglädje och bygga upp ert självförtroende. |
Marta ReinaMarta Reina, ursprungligen från Spanien, har haft en livslång passion för dans. Hon är specialiserad på dansstilar som Afrobeats och Dancehall.
Hon har gått på K-pop Dance Hopspots lärarträning och hon har även besökt Seoul för vidare studier på 1million dance studio. Marta undervisar sina danslektioner på engelska och utanför dansstudion är hon lärare i spanska. Hon tar med sin breda undervisningsförmåga och entusiasm till varje dansklass. |
Katharina BreischKatharina Breisch, aka PegeZiss, kommer från Tyskland och varit med och startat upp K-Pop Hopspot Stockholm. Hon har även tränat våra danslärare och inspirerat dem med sin stora kunskap, otroliga dans och proffsiga artisteri. PegeZiss har en imponerande bakgrund inom K-pop dance: hon vann den europeiska uttagningen till K-POP World Festival och uppträdde i Changwon, Korea, inför 30 000 personer. Hon har undervisat Master Classes i över 8 år och har studerat musik och produktion i Seoul, Korea.
Följ henne på instagram @PegeZiss |
Q and A with #PegeZiss
Q: Whish is your favourite band and why?
A: It started with Bigbang because of their uniqueness back in the days and I loved their hiphop music style. Turned to BTS because they were doing their thing back in the days. Nowadays Newjeans, again unique and like the other two bands talented.
Q: What is so great according to K-pop culture according to you?
A: The way they keep working on new projects and don't limit themselves into one concept. Some bands bend their different concept styles, sing one day, record a dance video the other day. They also don't stay in one music genre which is espacially in my liking because I like to listen to different genres in one go.
I am also a workaholic so i guess this is where the dots connect.
Q: How was the experience to be in the Kpop world festival?
A: I have been preparing to perform in Korea since 2016 and (except for 2017) I have won the preliminary rounds in Germany every year until 2019. In 2019 my best friend and I decided to prepare a vocal performance (because the previous ones were dance performances). After we won, we were treated like real idols. Flight, Hotels, food, tourism, practise etc was all paid for. After we started rehersing on the big stage, one day before the big performance, I was really nervous yet really proud. It was an amazing experience and I felt really proud because I have been working for this opportunity very hard.
A: It started with Bigbang because of their uniqueness back in the days and I loved their hiphop music style. Turned to BTS because they were doing their thing back in the days. Nowadays Newjeans, again unique and like the other two bands talented.
Q: What is so great according to K-pop culture according to you?
A: The way they keep working on new projects and don't limit themselves into one concept. Some bands bend their different concept styles, sing one day, record a dance video the other day. They also don't stay in one music genre which is espacially in my liking because I like to listen to different genres in one go.
I am also a workaholic so i guess this is where the dots connect.
Q: How was the experience to be in the Kpop world festival?
A: I have been preparing to perform in Korea since 2016 and (except for 2017) I have won the preliminary rounds in Germany every year until 2019. In 2019 my best friend and I decided to prepare a vocal performance (because the previous ones were dance performances). After we won, we were treated like real idols. Flight, Hotels, food, tourism, practise etc was all paid for. After we started rehersing on the big stage, one day before the big performance, I was really nervous yet really proud. It was an amazing experience and I felt really proud because I have been working for this opportunity very hard.